#blogmas - How to stay motivated with your Bullet Journal

Hello sunshine!

"Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way,
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh..."

There are only 4 days left until Christmas and I’m getting so excited! I cannot wait to give everyone their presents and I already placed them under the Christmas tree as our decoration
And I really hope that I will get a new Leuchtturm1917 to start my new bullet journal. We already had so many ideas and inspiration that I cannot wait to start drawing. But todays blogpost is not about motivation and inspiration, it’s about

those days where you’re not motivated at all to draw any line.

bullet journal quotes glitterisblack blogmas
motivation quote not so motivated

Let’s call the elephant in the room: No one is motivated to draw beautiful things every day!

This year I had one month where I wanted to quit everything and buy myself a normal planner or just used my iphone for appointments. I didn’t want to draw any doodle or sketch or even touch a tombow. Everything was too elaborated.
But what if you don’t want to throw away your bullet journal?
Then let’s talk about three helpful advices which helped me to continue and get through this phase!

Nr.1: keep it simple!
If you don’t feel like special sketches with ornaments everywhere, skip it! You don’t have to make it pretty and no one can force you to do more than you want. When I was almost throwing away my Leuchtturm1917 I went back to the basics. You can see this change in my flip through post.
February and March were so extraordinary but in April it was too much, and I chose a grey background without any sketches. In May I started again with tiny doodles but not as overloaded as March and now I’m at a level where I like the practicality – ornament ratio.

bujo motivation quote blogmas glitterisblack
not so motivated quote with candy canes

Nr.2: Take it out if you don’t like it!
What I hate more than everything else is having a page I am ashamed of or I think looks ugly. It makes me feel bad to work with this page and I don’t use it at all. So what I do if I have anything I don’t like and which most times jams my creativity is: pull it out!
Even if you paid much for that beautiful Leuchtturm1917, those pages are not helpful at all!
Take them out!
Go to a new page and start it all over again.

Nr.3: Give yourself a week without your bullet journal!
I know it sounds sad and I know you have prepared each week with love and time, but if you don’t use them or you have to force yourself to use them, it is not what it is meant to be!
A bullet journal is meant to be practical and useful. If it is not, it is no longer a hobby, it feels like work. And no one wants you to feel stressed because of this tiny journal! So, take your time and give your creativity the space to breath and find new inspiration.
If you are not motivated to do anything then just wait, it will start again. If you have no inspiration, I can suggest you to watch several YouTube videos or to go on Pinterest. I have a board with so many inspirational pictures, you might like as well.

And this is it. It’s no magic or hocus-pocus! It is the most usual thing in the world and no one expects you to be creative every day. Take your time and free your head, and everything will get normal again.

If you have any other ideas how you motivate yourself to continue with your bullet journal, let me know in the comments below. I would love to share some secrets!

Merry Christmas!❄


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