Bullet Journal - December Setup

Hello sunshine!

November is nearly over, which means that it is time for a new Bullet Jounal setup! I'm currently in my final phase of the trimester abroad, writing all my essays and other assignments. And somedays my to-do lists are longer than my days, for that reason I need a good well-structured place, where I can write down all my tasks and events. Even better if it looks pretty.

The decembet bullet journal setup is all about snow and winter

Bullet Journal December
Bullet Journal December Monthly Setup

Please, don't be confused by all these blurred spaces. I had to use my December pages already, and I have a few surprises for you, I don't want to see you now.

During the last months I have learned, that I don't use my monthly overview as much the busier the month. That's why I decided to try out something new and made the monthly log on one side of the page and the cover page right next to it. Last year I hated how my bullet journal turned out, even if I liked the idea behind it. Having an elegant theme which is not as in-your-face festive as others. So, I tried it again!
And this is exactly how a bullet journal works! If you don’t like your setup, sketches, doodles or letterings; turn the page and try again!

Bullet Journal December Setup
Bullet Journal weekly setup December

This is my last week of university and last month, this weekly setup turned out to be really helpful. I have enough space for all my tasks and an overview about my appointments on top of each day.

I tried to paint some simple snowflakes around the page to add some doodles and make it fitting better to the theme. Honestly, I was afraid that I won’t like it because last year it looked nearly the same, but it looks great. The little squares between the sketches are glittery washi tape, making the page shinier and a bit festive I think.
I will be so happy when this week will be done, because it is so stressful and so much to do, that I am doubting to get it done with the quality I want to achieve. With all my posts about time management and how to organize something, I sometimes forget that not everything is under your control. If someone wants you to make this task now, you have to make it no matter what your usual plan is saying.

Bullet Journal weekly setup december
Weekly setup December

With this week my Christmas holiday are starting - although I don't have any holidays - , and I am pretty sure, I will not use my bullet journal as much, as I will during the first week. I split the page in appointments on the left and tasks on the right. I don’t have any deadline or something like this, and so I can do everything I have to do whenever I want. If I have specific day-related tasks, I still have enough space to put them in the weekly overview on the left.
Behind the little quote on the right, is a secret space, where I can write something I don’t want everyone to see, whenever I open the page. This is a good place for Christmas present ideas or a wish list, in case someone is asking you. Christmas is famously known as the time of secrets.

Bullet Journal weekly setup december
Weekly setup with two weeks at one spread

This monthly bullet journal setup is a bit shorter than the last months, because as you can see the last two weeks of December are on one spread.
I have a weekly overview at the edges of the page, because I need to know where I have to be. Especially at Christmas, I need to remember which day is for which relative and where I meet them. I will be driving a lot visiting mine and my boyfriend’s family, but I can’t wait to see them all again. It has been a long time since I have seen some of them.

As every year I hope for snow at Christmas, even knowing that it would make driving way more dangerous. But at least in my bullet journal all the sketches and doodles make it look wintery. I can’t wait to use all these weekly setups, because it means that I will be back home so soon!

As I said, I have a little surprise for you, which will be explained in the next blogpost on the 2nd December. But a little sneak peek: those are by far not all my Christmas pages in my bullet journal! What would you like to include in a festive journal? What would you need?
Feel free to tell me your thoughts in the comments below!

See you next time♥
Laura signature


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